Reflections on the eu strategic dialogue on the future of EU agriculture
Euragri Members Workshop
On December 6, 2024, from 09:00 to 12:00
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, highlighted the Strategic Dialogue demonstrated the potential to move beyond polarised debates on the future of agriculture and foster trust among diverse stakeholders. The Commission reviewed the report, and it will provide a solid foundation for shaping its new European food and farming vision. Euragri hosted a member’s workshop to consider the background to the Strategic Dialogue, spotlight its outcomes, and present some initial reflections on its implications at various levels. The highly regarded presenters reflected on the Dialogues findings and provided their views on its implications for research, innovation, and AKIS.
While the discussions focused on physical land cover, the importance of land use—how people manage and interact with the land—was highlighted as equally significant in shaping outcomes for forests and the broader environment.

Workshop program:
Presenter | Presentation title | Approx video time
(hr: min; second) |
Gianluca Brunori, (University of Pisa) | Setting the scene for the Strategic Dialogue | 00:01:00-:8:50 – 00:19:00 |
Uno Svedin (Euragri) | Overview of Dialogue Process and Outcomes | 00:21:44 -31-35 |
Rosalinda Scalia (DG Research) | Innovation, Bioeconomy and Research. | 00:34:00 – 00:59:36 |
Sjoukje Heimovaara (WUR) | The WUR Perspective | 01:20:28 – 01:38:20 |
Cecile Detang-Dessendre (INRAe) | The INRAe Perspective. | 01:40:30 – 01:58:45 |
Trevor Donnellon (Teagasc) | The Teagasc Perspective | |
Discussion | 01:59:44 – 02:55:00 |
Short Speaker Profiles:

Uno Svedin
Uno Svedin is a senior researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Center/Stockholm University who studies different aspects of sustainability and resilience with applications to systems, agriculture, and urban issues. He is the current President of Euragri and was among the 29 participants in the EU’s Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture.

Gianluca Brunori
Gianluca Brunori is a researcher with 30+ years of experience in international, EU, national, regional and local research projects. His research focuses on sustainable rural development and the sustainability of food systems, as well as the related innovation processes.

Rosalinda (Linda) Scalia
Rosalinda (Linda) Scalia is the Deputy Head of Unit for Bioeconomy and Food Systems within DG RTD of the European Commission. She previously served in the Directorate General SANTE as policy officer for food safety and plant health. Before moving to Brussels, Rosalinda worked for nearly 10 years as a Food Inspector at the Italian Ministry of Agriculture.

Sjoukje Heimovaara
Sjoukje Heimovaara is President of the Executive Board of Wageningen University & Research. She was among 29 participants in the EU’s Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture. Sjoukje is Vice President of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering and a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the UN Food System Coordination.

Cécile Détang-Dessendre
Cecile Detang Dessendre is INRAe’s Deputy Scientific Director of Agriculture. Her research interests include agricultural policy, rural development, and labour. She is a member of several expert committees and scientific committees. She has published numerous articles on the CAP. Cecile also co- edited a notable work on the transformations of the French countryside.

Trevor Donnellon
Trevor Donnellon is a Teagasc economist and Head of the Agricultural Economics and Farm Surveys Department. His research centres on the economic analysis of agricultural markets, particularly emphasising the intersection of agricultural, trade, and environmental policy affecting the agri- food sector, using the well-known FAPRI-Ireland model.

Kevin Hanrahan
Kevin Hanrahan is Head of Teagasc’s Rural Economy and Development Programme. His research interests include economic analysis of agricultural markets, economic analysis of agrarian factor markets, particularly agricultural land, partial equilibrium modelling of Irish and European agriculture, economics of agriculture and climate change, analysis of the impact of trade policy reform on Irish and EU agriculture, and economics of Irish beef production.