Euragri Webinar Series: SRUC

Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) hosted the first of three Euragri’s 2024 webinars on the role of rural entrepreneurship on March 12, 2024.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Uplands, the role of technology. Prof Davy McCracken, Head of Department, Integrated Land Management, Hill & Mountain Research Centre, SRUC.

Highlands Rewilding and its role in promoting innovation and a sustainable natural economy. Jeremy Leggett, CEO, Highlands Rewilding.

Supporting novel small businesses, social enterprises and the self-employed in rural Scotland. Jackie Brierton, CEO GrowBiz

Prof Wayne Powell, Principal and CEO of SRUC, who moderated the webinar, noted the optimism the three speakers showed in the future of rural Scotland. He said the entrepreneurial and innovative activities indicated they are not just technological but much broader. The presentations show a clear community sense of place in rural Scotland that promotes and supports entrepreneurs and innovators. The role of institutional innovation in delivering sustainable farming and food systems is highlighted.